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Hyaluronic acid (HA) Fillers

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers include gel based formulations with varying technologies to be used in a variety of different areas. HA fillers are used to improve the look of deeper lines or folds, volumizing and shaping specific areas, or adding hydration.

HA products blend into the natural structure of your skin for results such as:

  • Smoothing lines and wrinkles
  • Volumize
  • Define shape
  • Add contour
  • Add hydration

Common areas for HA filler include cheeks, jawline, chin, and lips.

Depending on which product is used, results can last 6-18+ months.


collagen inducing fillers

Radiesse is a synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite (30% CaHa, 70% gel) in a gel carrier. CaHa is the same material in teeth and bones, so your body “sees” it as a natural substance, and therefore stimulates the production of collagen in the areas injected. The gel component adds volume, and then dissolves over time while the collagen production is ramping up to yield more permanent results. Cheeks and jawline are popular areas to contour and volumize, while the thin skin in the hands, neck and decollate can be treated with hyper-dilute Radiesse to firm the delicate skin in these areas.

Fillers: $650.00

Biostimulatora: $750.00

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